Words from Wendy: The Journey

Twelve years ago, I embarked on a journey with six eager children, the seeds of what would eventually flourish into an expansive social skills program. Today, we proudly serve hundreds of children and their parents, span across six different locations, and continue to grow. Reflecting on the journey makes me realize that it was not just about the growth of our program but also the creation of countless memories that have etched themselves into the fabric of our shared experiences.

In our early days, our goal was simple – provide a safe, nurturing environment for children to develop social skills. With each passing year, these initial six children showed astounding growth, solidifying our belief that every child deserves a chance to thrive in a society that understands and values them. Their journey paved the way for many more to come.

Running this program has been a testament to the power of community. I have witnessed first-hand the transformative effect of bringing together parents, educators, and children. Our combined strength forms a tightly-knit community, wherein everyone feels valued and supported. The knowledge sharing and empowerment through parent training, transition services, and social skills classes have created an ecosystem that encourages each individual’s holistic growth.

Tenacity is the backbone of this journey. Every step towards realizing our dream was paved with numerous challenges. The satisfaction of overcoming these obstacles made us stronger, more resilient, and ever more determined to reach our goals. Looking back, it is heartwarming to see how far we’ve come, the community we’ve built, and the lives we’ve positively impacted.

As we look ahead, we envision a future where our program reaches more children, and more communities benefit from our work. In ten years, we will be looking back at an even larger tapestry of memories, filled with stories of children blossoming into confident individuals and parents becoming more effective advocates for their kids. We hope to continue fostering the spirit of community and tenacity that brought us here, creating a lasting legacy of positive change.

In essence, our journey is not just about teaching social skills; it is about the memories we create, the community we build, and the lives we touch. As the founder of this program, I am incredibly proud of our achievements and more excited about the road that lies ahead. I am proud to have passed the torch to the next generation of educators and eager souls.

Here’s to making more memories!