When Hannah graduated from high school, she wanted the same thing we all do as young adults: independence.
She and her parents began the process of looking for independent living options that could provide the support she still needed. For Hannah, this meant help in areas like interpersonal communication, personal finance management, and career planning. Hannah already worked in the fast food industry but needed some direction to find a job that better suited her skills and interests, where she could earn enough to save for college.
Hannah’s family found what they were looking for in The Center. After moving into Cullen Residence Hall, Hannah began working as a receptionist at the front desk. Hannah bloomed in this role and when an opportunity opened up at the Michael E. Debakey VA Medical Center, it was a natural fit. Today, Hannah is thriving as a patient escort. She has grown by leaps and bounds and looking forward to moving into her own apartment with roommates next month. Hannah still dreams of attending college and is determined to make her own way to that goal.
Hannah is just one of more than 450 adults with I/DD served by The Center. Part of that service is a strong focus on helping our clients who want to work to find community-based jobs that pay a competitive wage. Last year, The Center transitioned approximately 50 adults into competitively paid jobs. This year, with the launch of a new Supported Employment program and an expansion of the VA program where Hannah has
found success, that number is expected to be even higher.
Supporters like you give us the ability to continue to match motivated, capable adults with competitively paid work and help them build skills for success on the job. These investments in your community not only give adults with I/DD the sense of pride and possibility that comes with earning their own way, but create new taxpayers, consumers, and valuable employees.
Make your tax-deductible gift today!