EPIC Center

EPIC Center
EPIC Training Center


East End

The Center for Pursuit, 4400 Harrisburg Blvd, Houston, Texas 77011

The EPIC (Employment Pathways for Innovative Careers) Center is an interactive classroom functioning as a work development lab, designed to identify functional skill levels, career interests, aptitude for community-based employment, and work behaviors and barriers to success. Come explore and develop essential work skills in the following areas:

  • Business and Marketing
  • Construction and Industrial
  • Processing and Production
  • Consumer Service
  • Computer Technology

Students become employees, and instructors become supervisors. A comprehensive score report aids in making data-informed transition decisions and planning for the future.

The assessment and/or learning experiences are highly individualized, and schedules can be customized for times and days.

For more information about EPIC, please contact us at 713-525-8400 or employmentservices@thecenterforpursuit.org.